Your smart
personal shopper

Revolutionizing shopping with AI and blockchain



Reaching potential customers with the right offer is a constant challenge



They find it difficult to find what they are looking for or do not want to waste time in the process

Connecting customers & businesses with the power of AI & blockchain

Merkaxat is an intelligent shopping assistant, powered by artificial intelligence, that efficiently connects users with local businesses.

Its ability to adapt and update its knowledge with each interaction guarantees an ever-improving experience.

Promoting Digitization in Local Trades

Merkaxat can be key to raising the digital maturity of local businesses, offering a personalized and efficient shopping experience.

Its ability to adapt and update its knowledge with each interaction guarantees an ever-improving experience.

Merkaxat Features

Implementation & Evolution

We will start in Andorra and then grow to an international scale. Our assistant personalizes the user experience, guaranteeing a perfect adaptation to each new market.

Phase 1

Chat & local searches

We focus on connecting users with local businesses thanks to AI

Phase 2

In-app payments with USDT and rewards system

With a solid user base and a sufficient number of merchants we will add in-app purchases with USDT and we will add a rewards system based on $MERK

Phase 3

E-commerce inventory

The last phase will be to add products to the AI through plugins that can be installed in the most famous ecommerce sites such as WooCommerce, Shopify, etc.

Business model

Phased monetization structure

Free phase

We will start in Andorra and then grow to an international scale. Our assistant personalizes the user experience, guaranteeing a perfect adaptation to each new market.


Monthly payment with the $MERK token. Or staking 100,000 $MERK


Lately, commissions for large sales volumes.